Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Dear Munchkin,

You will learn, very early on, that your Mommy really likes math.  Today I am 32 weeks along, which means I am 80% of the way to "full-term" which is 40 weeks.  Although really, anytime after 38 weeks is considered full-term, I think.

We are busy making our house more beautiful - we've done lovely landscaping in the front and are currently working on the backyard.  It probably won't get finished before you're born, but it'll be finished afterward, and that will be OK.  We ordered a grill, because if we're going to spend more time in our soon-to-be-beautiful backyard, it makes sense to have a grill.

And we ordered a glider, which your Nana is giving us as a gift.  I imagine that you will spend many quality hours in that glider - sometimes with me, sometimes with your Daddy, and perhaps even with your Nana and your Grammy and your Papa D.  You are becoming more real to me every day, little girl.  Last night, we took a breastfeeding class, and now I know a little bit more about what I'll need to do, and where to go for help if I need it.  And I can almost imagine holding you in my arms, settled into the glider, as you nurse and we bond in a way unique to mothers and babies.

There is a lot of terrible stuff happening in the world right now, Munchkin.  And I sometimes find myself overwhelmed with pain at the thought of so much violence and hatred and anger, and the danger posed to my family and friends and complete strangers in Israel.  And then I feel you kick, and I remember that I must believe that the future is bright, not bleak.  And I can only hope and pray desperately that the future you will inherit will be filled with light, laughter, and peace.

Munchkin, you and your Daddy are the two best things that have ever happened to me.  Daddy and I are already amazed by how much we love you.  And that love grows and grows every day!


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