Sunday, March 9, 2014

Second trimester!

Dear Munchkin,

Wowsers!  We're more than 1/3 of the way there!  That's pretty amazing to me.  As far as I know, you're still growing like a champ.  My next doctor's appointment is over a week away, and I'm really looking forward to seeing you again.

This IUI was the first one where it occurred to me to look up Jewish prayers for infertility and for artificial insemination.  What I said was this:
And God said: Let the waters swam with all sorts of swarming  things, that beat with the pulse of life…And God blessed them, and said: ‘Be fertile and grow and fill the waters with life.’
(Genesis 1:20, 22)  
I wish I'd found this site and recited all of the verses there.  Next time...if there is a next time.  But apparently my simple prayer was finally answered the way my heart yearned for it to be answered.

Sweet baby girl, I love you more than life itself.  And so does your Daddy.  He kisses you every day and tells you how much he loves you.  I realize that I mostly talk to you in my head, sometimes in blog posts I compose and don't publish.  I want to start talking to you more out loud, singing to you, so you know the sound of love in my voice.

your humbled and grateful Mommy