Thursday, January 9, 2014

You're only a day away

Dear Munchkin,

It's less than 12 hours until my first ultrasound as pregnant lady.  G-d-willing, we will get our first glimpse of you.  Please, please, please be healthy.  Be growing.  Be strong.  Your Daddy and I are so excited, and I am so terrified that something will be wrong.  We both love you so much already.  It's mind-boggling to know that we'll love you even more with each passing day.

I find myself shaking with fear over what the outcome of tomorrow's doctor visit will be.  I'm afraid to let myself imagine a positive outcome.  I've only just gotten you, dear baby.  It scares me senseless to think that I might lose you before I even meet you.

the infertile turtle who is perhaps the most paranoid Mommy ever

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