Dear Munchkin,
We saw you today! There is only one of you. You're a tiny little thing - a tenth of an inch or so - but we could see you (the fetal pole) and yolk sac and the gestational sac - and everything looked beautiful, according to our doctor. We even got to see the flickering that is your proto-heartbeat. So that was utterly amazing. I'll go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound, at which time hopefully we'll be able to hear and measure your heartbeat; once we can do that, my risk of miscarriage drops to 5%. Just before the ultrasound, I'll meet with a genetic counselor to see if you have any increased risks, given your cousin with Sotos syndrome and your other cousin with microtia.
If everything looks good at that scan, we will "graduate" from our fertility doctor (reproductive endocrinologist) back to my regular ob/gyn.
Around 10-12 weeks, we'll probably do a CVS. But right now, I should take things one day at a time, and be grateful that you measured exactly on schedule (6w2d) today, and give thanks for the miracle that is YOU, at this moment.
the infertile turtle who is a worrywart of a Mommy
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