Dear Munchkin,
As of today, I am 20 weeks - which means you're officially half-baked. And two days ago, you made your presence known in an entirely new way...
Monday morning, 19w5d, 5.30 am. I'd been awake since 4-ish. Your Daddy and I were staying at Aunt B. and Uncle M.'s house for Passover. I was lying awake reading a Boston Globe in-depth story about the family of Martin Richards, the 8-year-old killed in the Boston Marathon bombings last year. And all of a sudden, I felt these unmistakable twinges. I waited until it had happened a few times (all in exactly the same place) then whispered to Daddy, "I think I just felt Munchkin kick." He woke right up and I put his hand over my abdomen and sure enough, within about 45 seconds it happened again and he could feel it. We looked at each other in shock and amazement, he kissed me...and then went back to sleep. That's your Daddy...! I just sat there in bed, beyond overwhelmed, teary-eyed.
Since then I've felt a few more twinges. It's hard to tell if you're actually kicking or just stretching. Whatever you're doing in there, I hope you are having fun. I hope you feel loved. I hope you are happy and healthy and safe.
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