Monday, February 3, 2014

Be still, my beating heart

Dear Munchkin,

It's been a week and a half since my second ultrasound, at 8w2d.  We got to see you again and you looked a whole lot more humanoid - with a recognizable head, at least - and we heard the most incredible sound.  We heard your heartbeat.  A healthy 170 beats per minute.  Daddy held my hand and we both fought back tears and it was just out-of-this-world amazing.  I am overwhelmed by how much I love you already, little one.  Please keep growing.  I don't mind if you keep making my body tired and my tummy hurt and my brain a little crazy.  But I'd appreciate it if you'd stop scaring me with the spotting, mm-kay?  I get to see you again this Friday, at 10w2d, and again on Monday at 10w5d for my CVS.  Keep on being amazing, Munchkin.

the infertile turtle who already loves being your Mommy

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